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This page gives an overview of the assister portal, including benefits, features and limitations.

Overview of the Assister Portal

  • MNsure-certified assisters that meet the requirements and complete assister portal training are assigned a unique assister portal Reference Number to provide to consumers when they are ready to assist them.
  • Consumers need to log in to their MNsure account and perform the steps to authorize the assister to act on their behalf. (A consumer must have an online MNsure account created for this process.)
  • The consumer then authorizes the assister to act on their behalf in the assister portal by entering the assister’s unique Reference Number in their MNsure account.
  • The consumer can either choose to complete their own application and enrollment tasks, or the consumer can log out and let the authorized assister log in to the assister portal to continue on behalf of the consumer.

Brokers: Consumer authorizations must be made through the assister portal in order for the carrier to receive the agent of record for commission payments.

Navigators: Consumer authorizations made through the assister portal streamline the navigator per-enrollee payment process.

Assister Portal Capabilities

  • An assister dashboard — the ability to see a list of the consumers who authorized you to perform tasks on their behalf and the status of their most recent application.
  • The ability to start, resume and/or submit an application for financial assistance on behalf of consumers that have given you their authorization.
  • Access to the plan shopping and enrollment platform to perform tasks on behalf of authorized consumers that are eligible to enroll in a qualified health plan:
    • Reporting qualifying life events.
    • Uploading documents for verification of special enrollment periods.
    • Enrolling a consumer into a qualified health plan.
    • Completing a full termination of an enrollment.

Assister Portal Limitations

The assister portal is an important tool for helping consumers, but there are some things that cannot be done using the portal:

  • Applications without financial assistance cannot be completed through the assister portal.
  • The assister portal does not allow assisters to correct errors or report changes to an application that has been submitted. Assisters must follow the Report Application Changes process.
  • There are some notices that are not visible through the assister portal. The consumer may need to log in to their own MNsure account to view notices or MNsure-certified assisters can contact the Assister Resource Center or Broker Service Line for more information.
  • Consumer’s tax forms are not available through the assister portal. For more information on tax forms, visit the Tax Information page on assister central.
  • An assister cannot be in the assister portal in a consumer’s account at the same time a consumer is in their online account.
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