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Over Half a Million Minnesotans Accessing Coverage through MNsure

6/22/2017 1:52:32 PM


ST. PAUL, Minn.—Recent enrollment numbers show that more than 500,000 Minnesotans have found health coverage through MNsure, which helps Minnesotans access public programs like Medicaid and MinnesotaCare, as well as enroll in private health plans.

"More Minnesotans than ever are using MNsure to get health insurance," said MNsure CEO Allison O'Toole. "And not only are they getting insurance, but they're also saving thousands of dollars on their premiums by accessing tax credits."

Statewide, the average tax credit for Minnesota families is more than $7,000 per year. In greater Minnesota, the yearly tax credit is nearly $10,000 per year.

In total, Minnesotans are poised to save more than $300 million through tax credits this year.

By the Numbers:
Cumulative enrollments as of EOD June 18, 2017, for enrollment year 2017

Private health plan enrollments: 127,801

Medicaid enrollments: 314,663

MinnesotaCare enrollments: 61,204

Projected amount Minnesotans will save through tax credits in 2017: $331,542,901

TOTAL enrollments: 503,668

Ninety-six percent of Minnesotans have health coverage—the highest percentage in state history. Minnesotans eligible for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare can enroll year-round. More information can be found at

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