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MA Eligibility Update for Citizens of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and Palau

8/19/2021 3:57:52 PM

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 expands Medical Assistance (MA) eligibility for citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau (i.e., the Freely Associated States). Effective immediately, citizens of the Freely Associated States have a MA-qualified immigration status with no five-year wait to gain MA eligibility. For additional information, refer to Bulletin #21-21-10 “DHS Announces a Change to Medical Assistance Eligibility for Citizens of the Freely Associated States.”;

When assisting this population with the online application, enter the immigration status as Lawfully Permanent Resident, then answer “Yes” to the question “Did you ever have a Refugee, Asylee, Amerasian Noncitizen, Cuban/Haitian Entrant, Conditional Entrant, Victim of Severe Trafficking (LPR or T Visa), Withholding of Removal, Special Iraqi/Afghan Immigrant or American Indian Born in Canada (289 INA) immigration status?”

When assisting with any paper applications, enter the person’s current immigration status or code as “Citizen of Freely Associated States” until it is listed as a code option on the updated applications available later this year.

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