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Duplicate Manual Account Creation Requests

2/25/2021 2:35:10 PM

Lately we have noticed an uptick in duplicate /assets/AccountRequestForm_tcm34-182083.pdfAccount Request Forms. Please do not submit a request more than one time unless told to do so by the ARC. Submitting requests more than once results in multiple accounts being created for the same consumer which causes confusion and the potential for technical issues with their online account.

If you feel that an account request is taking longer than normal to process, please contact the ARC to request a status update. The ARC representative will advise if additional steps are needed.

Please also remember that MNsure does not actually create the accounts. MNsure’s role is to verify forms and submit a request to MNIT for an account to be created. Although normal processing time is much shorter, it may take 7-10 business days for an account to be created.


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