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Agent of Record Report Policy


This policy applies to brokers and broker agencies.

Policy Details

MNsure will send brokers a monthly AOR report providing details on the enrollments for which MNsure has sent to the carrier in which the consumer enrolled for the previous month. AOR reports will include enrollments for the current year. The AOR report enables brokers to identify any discrepancies between their enrollment records and MNsure's agent of record files and to report those discrepancies to MNsure.


MNsure Procedure for Sending Agent of Record Reports

  1. After the last broker enrollee AOR files have been sent to the carriers for the month, MNsure will begin processing AOR reports for the month. AORs for the primary enrollee received prior to an enrollment file being sent to the respective carrier by MNsure will be held until enrollment has been sent.
  2. The enrollment report will be securely emailed to each individual broker at the email provided during the registration process in MNsure’s online registration tool. The email will come from The broker or agency administrator is responsible for notifying MNsure immediately if there is any change to the broker’s email address by emailing or updating the broker information in the agency account through the registration tool.
  3. The broker or agency should submit questions regarding the AOR report to the Broker Team.

Broker Procedure for Reporting Potential Discrepancies

  1. After a broker has reviewed their AOR report, they may report any potential discrepancies between MNsure's records and their own. To report potential discrepancies, the broker must return the Excel file adding the consumer as well as comments on any cases for which they believe they should be the agent of record not already reflected on the report. The file should include:
    • Consumer's first and last name (required)
    • Consumer's date of birth (required)
    • The date the application was submitted or the enrollment was completed (required)
    • Carrier consumer enrolled with (required)
    • Method of AOR submission (portal, electronic or PDF)
    • If known, the consumer's address
    • If known, the method of application (online vs. paper)
  2. If there is a consumer that should not be included on your list please delete the file you received and contact us immediately. We will send you an updated and corrected list.
  3. The file must be sent by secure email to the Broker Team at Brokers may do this by replying to the original secure email or by following steps outlined in the secure email policy.
  4. MNsure will process reports of potential discrepancies in the order received as resources are available. Timing may be increased during annual open enrollment periods.
  5. MNsure will review all reported potential discrepancies to determine whether the proper association, either via the portal or electronic/paper form, has been received. Once MNsure has completed reviewing the file, the broker will receive a file from MNsure that indicates the case determination.
    • In some cases more information may be required. If so, MNsure will continue to review the case until resolved to both MNsure and the broker’s satisfaction.

Terms and Definitions

  • Agent of Record report: Monthly spreadsheet listing individual QHP and dental plan enrollments by a certified broker based on MNsure’s accounting of agent of record (AOR) AOR data submissions via the portal, electronic form or paper form. The purpose of the AOR report is to provide the date that an AOR was sent to the carrier. Primary enrollee disassociation with a broker or a change to another broker will not be reflected on the report.
  • Agent of Record statements: Monthly statements sent by MNsure to a broker or agency that summarize the broker primary enrollee AOR by broker NPN and program determination. Monthly statements for current year enrollments will include the following information:
    • Date Sent: The date that MNsure sent the agent of record file to the carrier in which the primary enrollee is enrolled.
    • Enrollee Last Name: Primary enrollee’s last name.
    • Enrollee First Name: Primary enrollee’s first name.
    • Enrollee DOB: Primary enrollee’s date of birth.
    • Medical Carrier Name: The name of the carrier, medical or dental, in which the primary enrollee is enrolled.
    • Medical EA Eff Date: The effective date of the medical or dental plan. Broker Name: Broker agent of record first and last name.
    • Assister ID: Broker agent of record national producer number.
  • Information privacy and security responsible party: Brokers are responsible for complying with data privacy and security per the broker agreement in the “Notice of Monitored Performance” document and Minnesota Rules, part 7700.0800.


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