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Apply for Coverage

Income guidelines can be used to provide a quick estimate on a consumers qualification for financial assistance.

After the consumer has created an account, begin an application with a consumer by signing in to the consumer's account. If the consumer has associated with you, sign in to the consumer's account through the assister portal.

Application WITH Financial Help

Use this application to see if the consumer qualifies for financial help to help pay for health coverage. This application scans income and other information to determine what coverage a consumer qualifies for and if they are eligible for assistance paying for it. provides extensive instructions for how to complete an application with financial help. Please review these sections:

Application WITHOUT Financial Help

Use this application if the consumer prefers to pay full price for a health care plan. This application does not request income information.

Completing Applications in the Assister Portal

Start an Application

If the consumer has not started an application, you will see the "Apply for Assistance with Health Care" link on the consumer's home page and there will not be information under Submitted Applications. You will click this link to begin an application on behalf of the consumer. The online application will be the exact same series of screens you would see if you were completing the application on behalf of the consumer.

Resume an Application

If a consumer already has an application in progress, there will be a “Resume Application” option on the consumer’s home page and there will not be information under Submitted Applications. To complete the application on the consumer’s behalf, select the “Resume Application” link. The application opens to the last page the consumer completed before saving and exiting. Make sure to go back and check all pages of the application for accurate information. Since the application hasn’t been submitted, you can also go back and edit information that was already entered.

Submit an Application

When you are ready to submit the consumer’s application using the assister portal, make sure you do the following:

  • Check all pages to make sure information is complete. Check for duplicate or missing information.
  • If the consumer wants a copy of their application, you can select the print options.
  • Review with the consumer all of the consent and privacy information on the signature page, including the federal tax information authorization.
  • Enter the consumer’s name into the signature field. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME in the signature field.
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