2. Applicant Details
Primary Contact
Enter the required information for the primary contact. This information will be used to verify this person’s identity, income and citizenship status. The primary contact should be an adult in the family who will be the contact person for your MNsure application. If possible, the primary contact should be the primary applicant and/or tax filer. However, the primary contact does not have to be an applicant.
Important: Write down EXACTLY how you enter the name for the primary contact. It will need to match what is entered in the signature section later.
If you are comfortable responding to race and ethnicity questions do so in this section. If you choose to give information here, it will not affect your eligibility for financial help.
Help with this Section
- Entering an email address is for the primary contact is optional, but giving us this information can make it easier to contact you.
- Marital Status: Choose "Married" if the primary contact has a marriage license.
- Marital Status: Choose "Married" even if the primary contact does not live with their spouse, but has a marriage license. There will be separate questions about household members and about filing taxes jointly in later sections.
- "Do you plan to make Minnesota your home?" This question can be confusing if you have answered "Yes" to the question, "Do you live in Minnesota?" If so, just answer "Yes." Note: Living in Minnesota means making or intending to make Minnesota your home. People visiting Minnesota for tourism, personal reasons or to get medical care are not residents of the state.
- Preferred Contact Method: official notices are mailed no matter which method you select. ALWAYS open and read your mail from MNsure or the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS).
- Authorized Representative: Do not list an assister as an Authorized Representative. There is another place in the application to list an assister.
- "Are you applying for yourself?" Note that you can be the primary contact and not be applying for yourself, but could be applying for others in your household. This answer will include or exclude the primary contact from the eligibility determination.
- Write down EXACTLY how you enter the name for the primary contact. It will need to match what is entered in the signature section later.
- You may use spaces and dashes in the name and address fields.
- Do not to use a dependent for the primary contact.