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Order Print Materials

We have select outreach materials for our MNsure partners to order. (MNsure partners include navigators, brokers, certified application counselors, counties and grantees.)

Availability of these materials may be limited, therefore, filling all requests is not guaranteed. We fill orders on a first-come, first-served basis.

About Your Organization
My organization is located in the Twin Cities Metro area and I am able to:

Note: MNsure will contact you to arrange pick-up or delivery details.

Consumer Brochure

Indicate the number of each item that you would like to order. (Note: Old brochures may still be used.)

2024 Income Guidelines

Indicate the number of each item that you would like to order.

Appointment Card

Indicate the number of each item that you would like to order. (Note: There have been no changes to appointment card for 2024. Old appointment cards may still be used.)

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