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Helping Consumers

Tools and resources to support MNsure-certified navigators, brokers and CACs when helping consumers to apply, enroll and maintain health insurance coverage.

Getting Started

Prepare to meet with consumers. Gather everything you need to have a successful meeting.

Screening Consumers

Get to know your consumer and understand their needs.

Account Requests

Assist consumers through the account request process.

Apply for Coverage

Help consumers start and complete an application through MNsure.

Shop and Enroll

Help consumers shop and compare MNsure health and dental plans, select a plan and enroll.


Help consumers successfully renew their coverage.

Report Application Changes

Help consumers report application changes, including life events.

Special Enrollment Period (SEP)

Help consumers apply for a special enrollment period.

Special Populations

Support special populations in need of application and enrollment assistance.

Tax Information

Help consumers understand health insurance tax information and responsibilities.


Help consumers successfully submit pre- and post-enrollment verifications.

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