Monitor Staff Recertification
AMP should be used by authorized agency personnel to monitor the status of staff that are in the process of recertifying for 2021.
Requirements for Recertification:
- MNsure Data Security and Privacy
- MNsure Accessibility Compliance and Ethics
- Achieve a score of at least 80% on the knowledge assessment
Checking Recertification Status
Once you log in to AMP, from any page, click on "Staff Training" in the top navigation bar.

The Staff Training page will show you all current requirements for certification and recertification, as well as some optional courses.
A "Certified" staff member has completed recertification for 2022 if there is a completion date in the "OE9 Data Privacy & Security" column. If there is NO date in that column, the staff member is NOT recertified for 2022. Note that training data is updated 3x per week, so there may be a 1-2 business day delay in training completion showing here.

If a staff person does not complete the recertification requirements for 2022 by October 14, their "Certification Status" will change to "Not Certified."

The screenshot above is from after the October 14 deadline:
- Linus Azbury was certified for 2021 and completed the recertification requirements for 2022 on July 28, 2021. Linus Azbury has successfully recertified for 2022.
- Junior Azbury was certified for 2021, but did not complete the recertification requirements for 2022 by October 14, 2021. They are no longer certified. In order to reactivate their certification, they must complete the recertification requirements.
- If there is no date, the staff member should review their training records in the MNsure Learning Center to verify that course shows as "mastered/completed" in their Learning Path. The individual’s Training ID for logging in to the MNsure Learning Center is in the "Training ID" column.
- If the course does show as "mastered/completed" in their Learning Path, MNsure has not yet updated their record to reflect completion. Please wait at least three business days after the individual completed the course before emailing the ARC to check the status. The ARC cannot respond to phone calls regarding training, certification or recertification status.