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Notice of Code of Conduct and Rules of Behavior


This policy applies to brokers, navigators, certified application counselors (CACs) and their support staff.

Policy Details

A commitment to honesty, integrity and respect in everything we do.

MNsure Code of Conduct

I commit to:

  • Not discriminating against clients, including potential clients, on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, including sex characteristics, including intersex traits; pregnancy or related conditions; sexual orientation; gender identity, and sex stereotypes.
  • Fulfill the needs of my clients to the best of my ability.
  • Maintain my clients’ confidences.
  • Render timely and exemplary service to my clients.
  • Present accurately and honestly all facts essential to my clients’ health insurance decisions.
  • Keep informed with respect to the Affordable Care Act, related regulations, rules and MNsure policies, and to observe them in my dealings with customers.
  • Cooperate with MNsure in meeting the needs of my clients.
  • Refrain from unprofessional conduct towards my clients, prospective clients, MNsure staff and the staff of partner organizations.
  • Protect client information using appropriate safeguards and refrain from disclosing protected information except as authorized by law.
  • Provide information in a manner this is culturally and linguistically appropriate, including ensuring individuals with limited English proficiency have meaningful access to MNsure program and services.

If I am a licensed broker, I also commit to:

  • Adhere to professional standards of conduct in helping my clients shop for the most appropriate health insurance coverage.
  • Maintain my broker license and notify MNsure immediately if my license lapses.
  • Notify MNsure immediately of any disciplinary actions taken against me/us by the Minnesota Department of Commerce.
  • Provide truthful information regarding my appointment(s) with health and/or dental carriers.

I understand that failure to adhere to this agreement may result in corrective action by MNsure including the revocation of my certification to assist clients with MNsure.

MNsure Rules of Behavior

As an Authorized User of MNsure Data, I understand:

  • System use must comply with all applicable state policies and standards, and all applicable state and federal laws.
  • Unauthorized access to METS or use of the system for any act or use other than official, assigned duties is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes access in excess of the minimum necessary to perform assigned job duties and training.
  • System and equipment use are subject to monitoring to ensure proper performance of applicable security features or procedures. Such monitoring may result in the acquisition, recording and analysis of all data being communicated, transmitted, processed or stored in this system. If monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, such evidence may be provided to law enforcement personnel.
  • Authorized users have a duty to ensure the accuracy, relevance, timeliness and completeness of personally identifiable information, as is reasonably necessary, to assure fairness in making determinations about an individual. Authorized users may not knowingly or willingly conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate, falsify or destroy information outside of appropriate retention periods.
  • Authorized users may only use personally identifiable information for the purpose for which it was authorized to be collected and used.
  • Authorized users have an obligation to protect the system and information from unauthorized access, use, modification, destruction, theft or disclosure by maintaining security and control over devices accessing the system, refraining from sharing account information, and using secure methods of access, storage and transmission of system information.
  • Authorized users must immediately report any lost or stolen equipment, known or suspected security incidents or breaches, known or suspected policy violations, or suspicious activity in accordance with established procedures. Known or suspected security incidents involve the actual or potential loss of control or compromise, whether intentional or unintentional, of sensitive information maintained by or in possession of MNsure or the state of Minnesota, or information processed by contractors and third parties on behalf of MNsure. 
  • Authorized users shall not disclose or disseminate personally identifiable information except as authorized by law and consistent with assigned duties or with the consent of the subject of the data, where applicable.
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