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Roles and Responsibilities

Understand your roles and responsibilities when using the assister portal to help consumers.

Consumer Authorizations

Never log in to a consumer’s account to complete an authorization without the consumer present. An assister signing in to a consumer’s account and taking actions without the proper authorization from the consumer is considered fraud.

It is an assister's responsibility for making sure the consumer understands that they are authorizing them to take important actions on their behalf. Consumers must read through the Assister Authorization/Agent of Record legal statement with the selected assister’s name inserted, a notice to review the Privacy Warnings language and the agreement before providing authorization in their online account.

 A printable PDF document is available in many languages on the Resources for Consumers page on Assister Central. Assister's can provide a consumer a copy of this information.

Data Privacy and Security in the Assister Portal

All assisters must complete annual data privacy training as part of certification and recertification to gain and maintain their access to the assister portal. Assisters must follow the Rules of Behavior (found in the Terms and Use section on when using the assister portal. Do not allow another assister or anyone else to use your assister portal account.

You must provide MNsure Privacy Warnings to all consumers.

Consumers will see a notice to review the privacy warnings when they complete an authorization, but assisters must also ensure the consumer has received the MNsure Terms and Privacy page information. There are also printable PDF versions of these warnings available on this page.

You must provide MNsure Rights and Responsibilities to all consumers.

Assisters must review the Rights and Responsibilities with each consumer. These include:

  • A responsibility to report changes.
  • The requirement for filing taxes for those receiving advanced premium tax credit.
  • The right to appeal eligibility determinations.

Inform MNsure if you are no longer acting as a MNsure assister.

If you are no longer acting as a MNsure assister, MNsure needs to be notified IMMEDIATELY to protect a consumer’s private information.

  • Navigators and certified application counselors: Your agency administrator should update your status online using the Agency Management Program (AMP).
  • Brokers: Your agency administrator should update your status online using the Broker Agency Management System (BAMP).

Electronic Signatures

When using the assister portal to complete an application or enroll a consumer in coverage, you must enter the consumer’s name into the signature field. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME in the signature field.

You must provide the consumer with the information on the signature page. You can select the print link to print a copy for the consumer or use your browser printing settings.

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