Download outreach materials from the links on this page or place an order for print materials.
Use these fact sheets to educate about MNsure and the benefits of health coverage. Most are available in six languages. Materials include:
Download and print MNsure Fact Sheets.
Share a map of where current navigator grantees and broker enrollment centers are available to serve consumers around the state of Minnesota. Some maps are available in six languages.
Preferred Navigator Partners: English
Broker Enrollment Centers: English, Hmong, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese.
Assister resources to prepare and inform Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollees about renewals when planning for the end of the federal continuous coverage.
The following images and audio can be used in your outreach and education efforts. If you have questions about how to repurpose, contact
Add organization name and logo to this flyer and use it to post in public places, insert into client mailings or billings or hand out at events.
Add organization name, logo and event details and post this flyer in high-traffic areas ahead of an event.
Add organization name, logo and event details and post this flyer in high-traffic areas ahead of an event. Includes the list of what a consumer should bring to enroll.
Partner Badges (with MNsure logo) should be used as your MNsure logo on all collateral you produce, not the MNsure logo by itself. There are two layouts that are available in English, Hmong, Somali and Spanish.
Please contact your community specialist (Nachee or Bob) if you need the files.