Select the household members who have been offered or have access to employer-sponsored insurance (ESI), even if they are not enrolled in it. Access to coverage could be through the person's own job or through another person's job, such as a parent or spouse.
To help answer questions about ESI:
What does "access to" employer-sponsored coverage mean?
"Access" means coverage is available to the person, even if the person declines the coverage.
Fill in the required fields for those household members who do have access to employer-sponsored insurance. The information provided here will be used to determine if the employer-sponsored coverage qualifies as “minimum essential coverage” (MEC), which may influence eligibility determination.
"Does this member have health insurance through an employer?"
This question on the application is asking if the member is actually enrolled in an employer-sponsored plan. Select “Yes” if a household member has health insurance through an employer. If the household member is not enrolled in an employer-sponsored plan, select "No."
Whether you select "Yes" or "No," you’ll need to enter information about the employer, including the employer identification number (EIN), address, and employer-sponsored coverage. The EIN should be entered as a 9-digit number without dashes.
"Is the employee employed full-time?"
If a household member is enrolled in employer-sponsored insurance, the application will ask this question.
Answer “Yes” if the member is employed on average at least 30 hours per week. If less than 30 hours per week, then answer “No.” (Whether you are employed full-time does not impact your eligibility for financial help.)
"Does the employer offer a health plan that meets the minimum value standard?"
If the employer's plan meets this standard and is considered "affordable," you won't be eligible for a premium tax credit if you buy a private insurance plan through MNsure.
Read more about the affordability standard for ESI.
"Is your access to this coverage ending in the next two months?"
How should I answer this question about access to ESI if I am applying during the same month I am still covered (job ends today and coverage goes through end of the month)?
You should answer this based on your current access to ESI and knowledge of whether it is ending. If you enter “Yes,” that your coverage is ending in the next 60 days, the online application will correctly determine eligibility after ESI ends. However, if you are eligible for premium tax credits, you may not be able to select a plan online for the date when ESI ends. To apply for coverage with financial help, you will need to call the MNsure Contact Center.
Enter additional information about your household, such as whether someone is disabled or blind. This helps determine if you qualify for assistance based on things other than income.
You must answer "Yes" or "No" to each question.