Information about changing or renewing coverage, managing your account, how to use your coverage and more.
Open enrollment for 2025 ended January 15, which was the deadline to renew or change private health coverage. You may still be able to make changes to 2025 coverage if you qualify for a special enrollment period.
Dates, deadlines and information about when you can enroll and when you can make changes.
How to reset your user name or password, make changes to your application, check enrollment status and more.
When you can renew or change plans. Instructions for how to end coverage through MNsure.
The notices here inform you of your rights and responsibilities when applying for and enrolling in health insurance coverage through MNsure.
Information about IRS Form 1095-A and reporting or claiming the premium tax credit using IRS Form 8962.
Once your coverage starts, use it to help cover your medical costs. Find a primary care doctor, fill prescriptions and more.