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How to Create an Account

Decide if you want free help from an assister. If so, find one near you and make an appointment as soon as possible. If you want to “do it yourself” continue with the instructions below. Either way, make sure you are prepared.

Tips to avoid common errors

Steps to Create an Account

If you already have a MNsure account, do not create a new one.

  1. First, clear your browser cache and cookies.
  2. Open a new browser window to create your MNsure account. You will use the same account when you renew or change coverage.
  3. Accept the privacy warnings to continue to the account creation form.
  4. At the top of the next page where is says "Register for an Online Account" select the first option: "I want to complete an application for health care coverage."
    checkbox at top of Create an Account page
  5. Enter the basic information asked for.
    Note: Providing your email address is optional, but if you choose to not provide it you will not get an email confirming your account was created.
  6. Next, you’ll be asked a series of "identity" questions based on your credit report. These questions verify your identity and prevent other people from creating an account in your name. If your identity can’t be verified online, you’ll see a message telling you what to do next.
  7. Choose a user name and password using the following rules:
    • User names can be from one to 20 characters long and can only include alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).
    • Password rules:
      • must include at least eight (8) characters of letters, numbers and special characters:
        • must include at least one number
        • must include at least one lowercase letter
        • must include at least one special character from the following list: ! # $ % & ' ( ) , . : = ?@ or space character. Asterisks (*) are not allowed.
        • must include at least one UPPERCASE letter
      • Recently used passwords cannot be reused
      • Do not use your user name, first name or last name as part of your password
      • Create a password that only you will know
  8. Create a PIN and security questions to help protect your account. We’ll use these if we ever have to verify who you are; for instance if you call our Contact Center to report a change later in the year. Security questions are case-sensitive; write these down so you have an exact record of how you entered each answer. Store in a secure location.
  9. You’ll see a new screen with a message saying your account is complete. You can start your application immediately by clicking "Sign In." If you entered an email address, you’ll get an email confirming your user name.

Using a shared or public computer? Be sure to log out and close all browser windows when you're done. This will help keep your information secure.

Tips to Avoid Common Errors 

For the best experience create an account, apply and enroll in one sitting. Do not save and exit.

Don’t use periods, spaces or dashes in the first, middle and last name fields.

  • Example: if you have a name with a hyphen, enter only the first or last part of your name without the hyphen.
  • Example: for names with a spaces, such as "Mary Beth," enter only the first part, "Mary" with no spaces at the end.

Don't use periods or special characters in the address field: Example: use "Apt" without a period, instead of “#.”

Don't enter spaces in the phone field. The phone number you enter will be automatically formatted for you.

If your information cannot be verified, (if you get the "M002 Error," for example) try the following:

  • Clear your browser cookies and cache before beginning the process
  • Only complete the required fields marked with an asterisk (*)
  • If you have recently moved or changed names, use the old mailing address or name to set up your account. (Your new information may not yet be updated in federal databases.)
    Important: When you fill in your address on the application itself, use your current address.
  • Be sure there are no spaces in the name fields (before, after or between a name)
  • Do not use a period or any other special character within the first, middle or last name fields
  • Do not use a # character in the address field (such as for an apartment number)
  • Use a different adult in the same household, if possible

If your information cannot be verified and you get the “Online service problem” error: This error can occur when a person's credit report is frozen. You will need to temporarily unfreeze your credit report before creating your account. (See Equifax, Experian or Transunion.)

If you get a "403 Error," clear your browser cache and cookies.

Still Need Help Creating an Account?

You have up to six tries in 24 hours to create an account. If you are still unable to create an account:

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