Reporting Changes for Public Program Coverage
Report changes for Medical Assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare to the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS).
You must report all changes within a certain number of days of the change happening.
- If someone in your household gets MA, you must report a change within 10 days.
- If no one in your household gets MA, but someone in your household does get MinnesotaCare, you must report a change within 30 days.
Go to the DHS website for instructions on how to report changes for MA and MinnesotaCare:
- What changes to report
- Who to report changes to
- Numbers to call to get help
It's important that you know your rights and responsibilities about reporting changes for public program coverage. If you do not report changes, you may have to pay money back to the state or federal government for benefits that you received but were not eligible for.