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METS Application Guidance

1/29/2021 10:58:01 AM

Starting on Friday morning, January 29, consumers and assisters will see added instructions when they are entering unemployment-related income to an application in METS. The instructions do not change the application but are designed to provide guidance on how to accurately enter income related to federal unemployment supplemental payments, Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation (MEUC) payments and the recovery rebate (stimulus payments), to the correct section of the application.

Application Updates:

Income Information Retrieved Section: If any unemployment income shown includes a $300/week supplemental payment, please remove your unemployment income and then answer “Yes” to having other income. The $300/week supplemental payment should not be included on this page. You will include it on the “Annual Income” page later in the application. 

Enter Income Details Section: Do not include your $300/week supplemental payment in the amount of unemployment benefits you enter in the “Amount” section of this page. You will include it on the “Annual Income” page later in the application. Report all other unemployment compensation, including the $100/week Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation supplemental payment, if you received that payment.

Annual Income Section: If you received unemployment income that included a supplemental payment of $300/week, add it to your projected annual income for 2021. Choose “No” for the question “Is this what you expect applicant’s annual income to be?” and update the amount. Include the $300/week supplemental payment, all other unemployment income, and any other income you will receive in 2021. Do not include the recovery rebate (stimulus payment) received in 2021.


Navigators and CACs

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