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Read the latest announcements for MNsure-certified assisters. The announcements can be filtered by 'Broker', 'Navigator and CACs' and also by date.

Application Questions

7/29/2021 11:58:02 AM

You may be uncertain about what to put on an application but remember to read through Assister Central and do your best. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide any additional details about what to report aside from what is already on the website and resources we have that are also available to you:

  • Income: /new-customers/apply/with-fin-help/household-income.jsp
  • Citizenship and Residency: /new-customers/who-can-enroll/requirements.jsp
  • Eligibility Program Manual:

It is important to ask your client the questions on the application and have them answer to the best of their abilities. You can trust the system will provide the consumer with the correct determination if the correct information was entered.


Navigators and CACs

Consumer assistance

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