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Read the latest announcements for MNsure-certified assisters. The announcements can be filtered by 'Broker', 'Navigator and CACs' and also by date.

Protecting Consumer Information

11/19/2021 9:07:55 AM

Help protect consumer information by double-checking the account you are using to apply. MNsure has received reports of assisters submitting applications using the wrong consumer’s account. The risk of this increases during open enrollment, when assisters may be helping multiple consumers in a short period of time. For the sake of consumer privacy and to prevent data breaches, please double-check that the username and password you are using to log-in to an account belongs the consumer whom you are helping apply for coverage. If you notice that you have used the wrong account to apply for a consumer, immediately contact the ARC to report the data breach.


Navigators and CACs

Consumer assistance

Assister Program

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