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Read the latest announcements for MNsure-certified assisters. The announcements can be filtered by 'Broker', 'Navigator and CACs' and also by date.

Logging in on Behalf of Others

7/20/2023 3:45:43 PM

Assisters and consumers should not log in for other users or submit applications under someone else’s account. Assisters should not apply for a consumer in an account that isn’t their own account. For example, parents of adult children should apply in their own account rather than using their adult child’s login, unless they are applying together.

This is in the /resources/terms-conditions.jspMETS terms of use policy on MNsure’s website.

Account holders are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of their personal account information. Applicants certify that the information provided is true and accurate. Applicants and account holders have a duty to ensure the accuracy, relevance, timeliness and completeness of personally identifiable information, as is reasonably necessary, to assure fairness in making determinations about an individual.


Navigators and CACs

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Consumer assistance

Assister Program


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