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Minnesota’s Uninsured Profile

7/21/2022 3:39:33 PM

Researchers at the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) within the University of Minnesota recently updated a resource that can offer enormous value to those interested in public health in Minnesota.

The Community and Uninsured Profile provides rates and counts of Minnesotans at the ZIP code, county, economic development region, MNsure rating area, legislative district (senate and house), and state level using the latest estimates from the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year file (2016-2020). The profile features characteristics of the total population and uninsured population within a select community, and it assists in identifying the different social factors that can influence the health of the population and access to health insurance.

This resource includes community-level data that is invaluable for equity-focused work, grant/proposal-writing, and strategic planning around health insurance coverage outreach and enrollment efforts. The SHADAC team believes that the data within the profile can be used as an essential foundation to develop strategies that improve the health and equity of Minnesota counties, while providing a database of community characteristics that can strengthen public health proposals and grants.

You can download the profile and find a guided video on how to use the profile here.


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