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Assister Joint Policies and Procedures

Joint policies and procedures for all MNsure-certified brokers, navigators and CACs. MNsure will release individual policies as they are updated.

Broker-specific policies and procedures

Navigator- and CAC-specific policies and procedures

Privacy Warning and Rules of Behavior (This is a policy for consumers that assisters will need when creating an account for a consumer.)

Account Request

Policy for helping consumers manually set up an account.

Assister Roles and Responsibilities

Policy for assister roles and responsibilities for MHCP applicants and enrollees

Code of Conduct and Rules of Behavior

Policy for assister commitment of business practices

Electronic Signatures

Policy for accepting electronic signatures on documents

Inappropriate Interactions

Policy for when and how assisters may terminate a phone call or meeting.

Limited English Proficiency

Policy for assisting individuals who are limited in their English language proficiency.

Over-the-Phone Account Creation

Policy for creating an account over the phone.

Preferred Assister Lead

Policy for assister lead referral and reporting.

Reporting Fraud and Complaints

Policy for reporting complaints and fraudulent activity.

Secure Email

Policy for when and how assisters should use secure email to protect consumers' information.

Virtual Meetings

Policy for using virtual meeting tools to assist consumers.

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