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Get Enrolled Now: Three Days Remain to Enroll in QHPs Through MNsure

2/12/2015 10:14:43 AM


CONTACT: Jenni Bowring-McDonough
Media Relations Coordinator

ST. PAUL, Minn.-As the 2015 open enrollment period draws to a close, MNsure is expecting an increased number of Minnesotans to use and to call the MNsure Contact Center. This could result in longer than usual wait times for service.

"For the vast majority of Minnesotans, February 15 is the last day to enroll into commercial coverage, and we know it can be tempting to procrastinate-especially when enrolling in health insurance. Don't do it," said CEO Scott Leitz. "There are still a few days to get enrolled. Waiting until the last minute means you'll be competing with others who put off getting coverage, which means longer wait times on the phone and more traffic to the online marketplace. The time to get enrolled is right now."

In response to increased demand for coverage, the MNsure Contact Center (1-855-366-7873) is open 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. today and Friday, and will be open Saturday, February 14, and Sunday, February 15, from 8 a.m. to midnight.

Free, in-person assistance is available in various locations for consumers who need help navigating enrollment. An

"This open enrollment period has been successful in large part because of our MNsure grantees, brokers, navigators and certified application counselors. They have devoted countless hours to helping Minnesotans get health coverage, but their time is in greater and greater demand as we wrap up open enrollment," added Leitz. "I urge Minnesotans to make an appointment today if they still need help from one of our in-person assisters."

Open enrollment for 2015 coverage began November 15, 2014, and ends February 15, 2015. Minnesotans eligible for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare can enroll year round. As of May 2014, 95 percent of Minnesotans have health coverage-the highest percentage in state history.

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