11/10/2014 10:14:43 AM
CONTACT: Joe Campbell
Marketing and Communications Director
ST. PAUL, Minn.-"95% of Minnesotans Now Have Health Insurance. 100% Need It." That's the theme of MNsure's 2015 advertising and grassroots outreach campaigns, the organization announced today.
The advertisements, developed by Minneapolis advertising firm Clarity Coverdale Fury, will be broadcast statewide on television and radio, as well as online and at out-of-home locations such as transit stops. MNsure's 2015 advertisements are targeted to the uninsured, focusing on overcoming barriers that are still preventing five percent of Minnesotans from using MNsure to obtain coverage. The campaign is also targeted to young invincibles and re-enrollees. Scenarios in the advertisements prove to be compelling to these population groups, market research conducted across the state shows.
"We are thrilled that so many Minnesotans now have comprehensive health insurance coverage," said CEO Scott Leitz. "However, our work is not done. There are still thousands of Minnesotans who do not know about the benefits and financial assistance available to them only through MNsure. We're hopeful this advertising campaign will spread that message."
Market research performed by MNsure shows most uninsured people worry they can't afford insurance and don't know about the availability of financial help. The research also revealed the uninsured are confused about the enrollment process, and don't know that one-on-one enrollment assistance is available. MNsure addresses these two key findings in this year's advertisements.
The television and radio advertisements will begin airing statewide on November 16, 2014, and will run through the open enrollment period. Out-of-home placements at transit stops and billboards will begin appearing that week as well.
In addition to traditional advertising, MNsure will also begin a grassroots outreach campaign, spearheaded by Minnesota based Grassroots Solutions. The outreach effort will support, connect and create networks of MNsure partners and will work to identify opportunities to enroll the traditionally hard-to-reach uninsured, young invincibles and re-enrollees. The campaign will be highly digital and will include a robust online calendar of enrollment opportunities throughout Minnesota and a mobile application to direct individuals to in-person assistance. Minnesotans can also text ENROLL to 30644 to receive text message reminders to consumers throughout open enrollment.
"Not having health insurance is still a reality for many in our state," said Leitz. "Our number one goal is to help Minnesotans find affordable, comprehensive health coverage. These advertisements stress the availability of financial help, that there are people ready to walk them through the application process, and that these features are only available through MNsure."
A sampling of MNsure's 2015 television advertising campaign and out-of-home advertising campaign can be found here.
Open enrollment for 2015 coverage begins November 15, 2014, and ends February 15, 2015. Minnesotans eligible for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare can enroll year-round.
Since the launch of MNsure, 370,968 Minnesotans have enrolled in quality, affordable coverage through MNsure. 55,879 have enrolled in a qualified health plan, 234,698 in Medical Assistance and 80,391 in MinnesotaCare. As of May 2014, 95 percent of Minnesotans have health coverage - the highest percentage in state history.