1/2/2014 10:14:43 AM
CONTACT: Jenni Bowring-McDonough
Media Relations Coordinator 6
ST. PAUL, Minn. - MNsure today shared these answers to frequently asked questions for consumers.
1. What are the hours for MNsure's marketplace and Contact Center?
The account and application services of MNsure.org are available daily from 6 a.m. to midnight. However, the account and application portion of the website will be unavailable Saturday, January 4, and Sunday, January 5, while work is done to improve the website. The account and application portion of the website will be back up starting at 6 a.m. on Monday, January 6. Consumers can visit MNsure.org anytime to shop for plans and find information about MNsure.
The MNsure Contact Center, 1-855-366-7873, resumes normal operating hours this weekend, operating from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Contact Center had been open on Sundays in the weeks leading up to the December 31 enrollment deadline, and will now be returning to its normal operating hours.
Alternately, applicants and enrollees for MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance can call the DHS Member Help Desk at 651-431-2670 or 1-800-657-3739. Starting January 2, 2014, DHS Member Help Desk hours will be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
2. Now that the December 31 enrollment deadline for January coverage has passed, what are some of the next key deadlines?
Payment Deadline for January 1 Coverage: January 10
Many people who enrolled in a private health plan through MNsure before the December 31 deadline took advantage of the recommended online payment method. Their coverage began on January 1, 2014.
Those who have enrolled but not yet paid for January 2014 coverage must do so by Friday, January 10, 2014. You can log into your account and pay your bill or send a check. Regardless of which option you choose, the payment must arrive at MNsure or the health insurance company by the close of business on Friday, January 10, 2014. Any medical care after January 1 will be covered if this payment deadline is met.
However, if payment arrives after January 10, then coverage will start February 1 and any prior medical care will not be covered. Please note this deadline applies only to those enrolled in a private health plan.
Those enrolled in MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance have different timelines. Those approved for Medical Assistance are covered immediately for the entire month in which they were deemed eligible, even if the determination is made on the last day of the month. Those approved for MinnesotaCare will receive coverage starting the first day of the month following their approval.
Close of Open Enrollment Period: March 31
Although the deadline for coverage on January 1, 2014, has passed, you still have three more months to sign up for a health insurance plan for 2014. The open enrollment period for health insurance coverage started October 1, 2013, and ends March 31, 2014. The federal Affordable Care Act requires U.S. citizens and legal residents to have arranged for health coverage by this date, or face a financial penalty.
3. I paid my premium, but I haven't received an insurance card yet. What should I do?
You can call your health plan to confirm enrollment. If the plan received your enrollment information from MNsure, you will be able to receive your member number or a temporary ID card or online ID card you need to access care. Your clinic, pharmacy or hospital will be able to verify your enrollment if you need care before your official ID card arrives. Visit the Minnesota Council of Health Plans website for more information.
4. I picked a health plan through MNsure but I haven't paid my January premium yet. What should I do?
If you picked a plan with MNsure but have not paid your premium yet, your health plan does not know you have selected them. If your full premium payment is received by 5 p.m. on January 10, 2014, and if you were required to pay for covered health care services directly in January, you will be reimbursed by your health plan. You can contact your health plan for more information. However, if your payment is not received by 5 p.m. on January 10, 2014, your coverage will not begin until after January 31, 2014, and you may not be reimbursed for coverage prior to that date.
5. I was approved for MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance. Am I covered starting January 1?
If you're approved for MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance, you're covered. If you applied through MNsure and were approved for MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance, you will be covered on January 1. While your member card was sent through the mail by the end of December, you may not get it right away. However, your doctor or pharmacy will help you get services and can confirm through the automated systems that you qualify.
6. I enrolled in coverage through MNsure, but when I went to get medical care the office couldn't determine that I was covered. What should I do?
If you enrolled toward the end of December, or if MNsure had difficulty processing your enrollment, your selected health plan may not know you have enrolled with them. The health plan may not have your enrollment and payment information. In this case, contact your health plan's customer service team as listed below and the health plan will work with MNsure to resolve the issue. Upon receipt of the enrollment and payment information, your health plan will mail your ID card and you should receive it within 10 business days.
Health Plan Customer Service Phone Numbers:
Blue Cross Blue Shield
888-878-0137 TTY
763-847-4013 TTY
800-688-2534 TTY
800-627-3529 TTY