10/2/2015 10:14:43 AM
CONTACT: Shane Delaney
Director of Communications and Marketing
ST. PAUL, Minn.- MNsure Interim CEO Allison O'Toole will visit with MNsure consumer assistance partners at multiple events next week as these partners begin preparing for the 2016 open enrollment period. Members of the media are invited to attend. Visit details are below.
MNsure Assister Networking Event
Hosted by West Central Minnesota Communities Action, a Navigator Outreach and Enrollment Subgrantee
Glenwood State Bank Upstairs Conference Room
221 South Broadway Street, Alexandria
Monday, October 5
10 - 10:30 a.m.
MNsure Broker Enrollment Center Site Visit at Midstate Insurance Services, Inc.
320 Jefferson Street, Suite 2, Wadena
Monday, October 5
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
MNsure Broker Enrollment Center Site Visit at Breitenfeldt Group
934 Market Street, Perham
Monday, October 5
2:15 - 3:15 p.m.
MNsure's vision for outreach and enrollment grantees is to build a network of assistance where each region of Minnesota is served year-round by highly trained, expert navigators, with experience using outreach techniques that have proven effective.
MNsure's broker enrollment centers provide and staff convenient walk-in sites for residents of surrounding communities. Face-to-face assistance from MNsure-certified brokers and navigators is available.
The 2016 open enrollment period is scheduled to begin November 1, 2015, and end on January 31, 2016. Minnesotans eligible for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare can enroll year-round. As of May 2014, 95 percent of Minnesotans have health coverage--the highest percentage in state history.