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Five Things to Know For February 1 Enrollment through MNsure

1/14/2014 10:14:43 AM


Jenni Bowring-McDonough
Media Relations Coordinator

ST. PAUL, Minn. - With a new round of deadlines approaching for February 1 health plan coverage through MNsure, the organization addressed a few frequently asked questions.

1. What is the deadline for enrolling through MNsure if I want health insurance starting February 1?

Individuals using MNsure to find new coverage effective February 1, 2014, must enroll and make a payment by 5 p.m. on January 15, 2014.

2. What are the deadlines for those who qualify for Medical Assistance (MA) or MinnesotaCare?

The January 15 deadline does not apply to Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare. For Medical Assistance, individuals will be covered for the entire month in which they apply. For MinnesotaCare, individuals will have until January 31 to apply for coverage effective February 1. Premium invoices for MinnesotaCare are still delayed. Once the MinnesotaCare premium bill is received, the client should pay it as soon as possible.

3. After I select a plan and enroll through MNsure, what is the deadline for making the first payment?

For those seeking coverage that starts February 1, online payments must be made by 5 p.m. on January 15, 2014. Other forms of payment must be received by MNsure (PO Box 64832; St. Paul, MN 55164-0832) or the health plan by close of business on Wednesday, January 15, 2014.

4. What are my options for making the first payment?

Customers are strongly encouraged to pay online on the same MNsure marketplace where they select and enroll in coverage. Online payment can be done by credit card or another form of electronic payment such as an e-check, debit card or electronic transfer from a bank account. As an alternative, customers can make manual (off-line) payments in person at the Minnesota Department of Human Services Cashier's Office at 540 Cedar Street, St. Paul MN 55155. They accept check, money order, and cash payments with invoice. (Be sure to include your MNsure ID on your check. Cash payments must be exact amounts; they cannot make change.) The DHS Cashier's Office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

It is important to keep in mind that in order for coverage to be effective February 1, manual payments must be received by close of business on Wednesday, January 15, 2014.

5. If I don't enroll in time for February 1 coverage, what are my options?

While the deadline for February 1 coverage is January 15, the MNsure open enrollment period will continue through March 31, 2014. Enrollment and payment for March 1 coverage must occur by February 15, and enrollment and payment for April 1 coverage must occur by March 15. Those who enroll after March 15 and before the end of open enrollment on March 31 will have coverage effective May 1. Those who do not enroll and do not have health insurance coverage through another source face potential tax penalties under the federal Affordable Care Act. Any Minnesotans seeking better and more affordable health insurance are invited to check out the options at

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