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MNsure Awards 2017-18 Navigator Network and Enrollment Grants

7/20/2017 11:00:00 AM


ST. PAUL, Minn.—MNsure has announced recipients for the 2017-2018 navigator grants. This year’s 23 grants totaled $4.2 million and will fund 53 organizations across the state to help enroll Minnesotans in health care coverage. Grants are awarded to organizations that offer free in-person application and enrollment assistance to Minnesotans throughout the year. Over the last year, more than 45,000 Minnesotans found coverage with the help of a navigator from one of MNsure’s grantee organizations.

“When Minnesotans have health care coverage our state is healthier and our economy stronger,” said MNsure CEO Allison O’Toole. “Minnesota’s best-in-class navigator network provides a crucial service enrolling people in coverage across the state.”

Grantees work to assist communities with all aspects of the application and enrollment process, and utilize established relationships with populations facing barriers to coverage.

The /assets/FY2018-Outreach-Enrollment-Grants-Summary_tcm34-303575.pdf23 MNsure grants are split into two funding areas: Network Grants and Enrollment Grants. Many MNsure grantees work with partner organizations. /assets/FY2018-Outreach-Enrollment-Grantees_tcm34-303641.pdfInformation about each grantee, including award amount, is available on the website.

Funding Area 1: Navigator Network Grants ($3.2 million)

Focuses on building statewide access to enrollment assistance and sustaining a network of navigator organizations working closely with MNsure on strategies to reach, enroll and renew consumers in health coverage.

  • Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency, Inc.—Virginia
  • Briva Health—Minneapolis
  • Community Resource Connections—Bemidji
  • Generations Health Care Initiatives—Duluth
  • Health Access Minnesota—Saint Paul
  • Hmong American Partnership—Saint Paul
  • Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid—Saint Cloud
  • Portico Healthnet—Saint Paul
  • United Community Action Partnership (formerly Heartland Community Action)—Marshall and Willmar, Minnesota

Funding Area 2: Navigator Enrollment Grants ($1 million)

Support navigator enrollment capacity (navigator staff) within organizations that can demonstrate an ability to reach populations with high levels of uninsurance.

  • African Community Senior Services—Minneapolis
  • C.A.R.E. Clinic—Red Wing
  • Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio, Inc. (CLUES)—Saint Paul
  • Face to Face Health and Counseling Service—Saint Paul
  • HealthFinders Collaborative, Inc.—Faribault
  • Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association (IMAA)—Rochester
  • Minnesota AIDS Project—Minneapolis
  • Native American Community Clinic—Minneapolis
  • Neighborhood HealthSource—Minneapolis
  • NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center, Inc.—Minneapolis
  • Northwest Community Action, Inc.—Badger
  • Pillsbury United Communities (PUC)—Minneapolis
  • Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota—Saint Paul
  • Southside Community Health Services, Inc.—Minneapolis

Ninety-six percent of Minnesotans have health coverage—the highest percentage in state history. In plan year 2017, more than 500,000 Minnesotans have found health coverage through MNsure. Minnesotans eligible for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare can enroll year-round. More information can be found at

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