8/1/2019 10:38:11 AM
ST. PAUL, Minn.—MNsure has announced recipients for the fiscal year 2020 Navigator Outreach and Enrollment Grant Program. This year’s 24 grants totaled $4.2 million and will fund 43 organizations across the state. These grants will support targeted outreach to uninsured populations and sustain a robust statewide navigator network to provide application, enrollment and renewal assistance to Minnesotans who need help to get and maintain coverage.
Over the last year, with the help of a navigator from one of MNsure’s grantee organizations, more than 42,000 Minnesotans found coverage and tens of thousands were helped with other important steps, like reporting changes or renewing coverage.
“These organizations are so important to their communities,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “We are excited to see them continue their critical work around the state and help even more Minnesotans get the coverage they need.”
Grantees work to assist communities with all aspects of the application, enrollment and renewal process, and utilize established relationships with populations facing barriers to coverage.
The 24 MNsure grants are split into two funding areas: Geographic Focus Grants and Population Focus Grants. Many MNsure grantees work with partner organizations, and /assets/FY2020-Outreach-Enrollment-Grantee-Summary_tcm34-391823.pdfinformation about each grantee, including award amount, is available on the website.
Funding Area 1: Geographic Focus Grants ($2.9 million)
Grants in the geographic funding area support highly skilled navigator organizations working collaboratively with MNsure to reach the uninsured and support Minnesotans in obtaining and maintain health insurance coverage. The focus on this grant area is on ensuring statewide access to a navigator for any Minnesotan looking for in-person assistance.
Funding Area 2: Population Focus ($1.3 million)
Grants in the population funding area support organizations that have identified populations that face barriers to enrolling in coverage and/or high levels of uninsurance and can demonstrate an ability to effectively reach, enroll and help renew coverage for the population.
MNsure is Minnesota's health insurance marketplace where individuals and families can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage that meets their needs. MNsure-certified navigators are trained experts at local, trusted community organizations. Minnesotans can use a navigator for help filling out an application and enrolling in coverage. Services from MNsure-certified navigators are always free. Visit mnsure.org or call 651-539-2099 for more information.