11/13/2019 2:47:13 PM
ST. PAUL, Minn.—During the first 10 days of open enrollment, MNsure has seen over 3,230 new consumers sign up for 2020 private health insurance plans – nearly 50 percent more than in the first 10 days of last year’s open enrollment period. Including consumers who were automatically renewed into existing plans, MNsure has so far signed up 88,254 Minnesotans for 2020 private plan coverage.
“We are excited to see a steady stream of new consumers during the first ten days of open enrollment,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “If you are looking to renew or change coverage from last year, don’t wait until the deadline to do so. There is free help available for consumers who need it. Our expert team of assisters can help you find the coverage that best meets your needs.”
For in-person enrollment assistance, Minnesotans can use the /help/find-assister/index.jspAssister Directory to find a broker or navigator in their area. All assisters are certified through MNsure and their assistance is free of charge.
MNsure's open enrollment period runs until December 23, 2019; eight days longer than the federal open enrollment period, which ends December 15, 2019.
November 1 to November 10
The sign-ups reported include new consumers, renewing consumers who have come back and shopped for a new plan for 2020, and renewing consumers who are continuing their previous plan for 2020.
MNsure's seventh open enrollment period runs November 1, 2019, through December 23, 2019. Individuals earning up to $49,960 a year, or a family of four earning up to $103,000 a year, could qualify for federal tax credits. Additional /financial-help/income-guidelines/index.jspincome guidelines are available on the MNsure website. MNsure's customer service guide is /help/customer-service/index.jsplocated here. More information can be found on MNsure.org.