12/5/2019 10:07:40 AM
ST. PAUL, Minn.—All private health plans offered on the MNsure marketplace limit the out-of-pocket cost to enrollees for insulin prescriptions in 2020. Each of MNsure's four insurers are offering either low-cost or free insulin benefits, meaning consumers purchasing plans through MNsure will pay no more than 25 dollars per month for insulin.
"The rising cost of insulin has put a huge financial burden on many families across Minnesota," said Nate Clark, MNsure CEO. "It’s so important to have access to insulin at an affordable price. We encourage all those looking for prescription insulin coverage to check out the plan options at MNsure.org."
MNsure's plan comparison tool provides information on the projected costs of buying and using different health plans, estimated eligibility for financial help and whether a plan covers your prescription drugs. The tool also provides the ability to compare premiums, co-pays, deductibles, co-insurance and maximum out-of-pocket limits. MNsure has provided detailed information about /shop-compare/about-plans/insulin/index.jspfinding insulin benefits on MNsure's plan comparison tool.
For questions about insulin coverage and benefits, please reach out to the /shop-compare/networks/index.jspinsurance company.
Please note: the caps on insulin costs are for private health plans only; there are no current changes to MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance plans.
Be sure you’re getting quality coverage by buying through MNsure
“When purchasing health insurance, it’s important to know what you’re getting for your money,” said Clark, “All plans sold via MNsure.org are /learn-more/aca/index.jspACA-compliant and are required to cover /shop-compare/about-plans/esb/index.jspessential health benefits, which means you can be sure you’re getting comprehensive, quality insurance.”
In addition, plans sold through MNsure have no annual or lifetime limits on payments, do not charge extra for pre-existing conditions, and cover a variety of services (including prescription drugs, mental health care, substance abuse treatment and maternity coverage). MNsure continues to encourage Minnesotans to be sure they are purchasing an ACA-compliant plan and avoiding a gap in coverage by enrolling through MNsure.
MNsure's seventh open enrollment period runs November 1, 2019, through December 23, 2019. Individuals earning up to $49,960 a year, or a family of four earning up to $103,000 a year, could qualify for federal tax credits. Additional /financial-help/income-guidelines/index.jspincome guidelines are available on the MNsure website. MNsure's customer service guide is /help/customer-service/index.jsplocated here. More information can be found on MNsure.org.